The core business of Ingenium is broken down into 3 main areas:

Operating Performance Improvements to existing facilities

The key to profit for any OEM is keeping operating costs as low as possible and a major driver behind this is the Technical Availability (TA) of any equipment. Improvements to the TA is where Ingenium strives to make the biggest difference

Through many years of experience across multiple sectors of Defence, Automotive, Power, Utilities and Food & Drink, we can highlight and implement improvements to both the operating uptime of the equipment and the speed of recovery following a breakdown

There are many possible solutions through effective condition based monitoring and analytics systems that can aid predictive maintenance, to improvements to access or the introduction of standby and quick change over processes, all of which speed up the recovery time

All of these can be completed by Ingenium. Increasing the percentage of Technical Availability improves efficiency, eliminates waste and increases output capacity and profit

Installation of new or modified facilities as either a Tier 1 or Tier 2 supplier to customer

The installation of new and bespoke or the modification of existing facilities to incorporate a new product, is arguably the main core element of Ingenium’s business

This may be a new conveyor line capable of supporting 20 tonnes at 30 units per hour, the end effector of a mechanical assistor being modified to accept a new product, removing and re-wiring/replacing motor gearbox assemblies or simply moving an existing facility to a different location

We are able to provide turn key quotations for any number of projects and programmes of work into green/brown field sites. Incorporating any operating constraints of our customers and planned downtime opportunities, we are able to install and commission without interruption

Rapid sourcing of fabricated parts to support OEM/Tier 1 supplier

The support of our customers is key. Any items not directly available through our in-house design and manufacture partners, can be sourced quickly and cost effectively by Ingenium from our extensive network of trusted suppliers

This can also be expanded to include quickly arranging and conducting modifications to projects already underway in the UK without the need to utilise the supply base from the parent organisations home country for example

This works particularly well for major tier 1 companies operating in the UK but based overseas, and who want to be able to conduct manufacturing modifications bypassing delays and increased shipping costs incurred from using their base location.